Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Character Profile

Basic Information

Name: Dr. FrankAge: 45
Nationality: United States
Hometown: Death Valley, Nevada
Current Residence: New York
Occupation: F.B.I Weapons specialist
Siblings (describe relationship): Four brothers – All spilt at birth
Spouse (describe relationship): NoChildren (describe relationship): No
Grandparents (describe relationship): Has a bad relationship with grandfather who used to treat him poorly as a child
Grandchildren (describe relationship): No
Significant others (describe relationship): N/A
Relationship skills: No Skills
Physical Characteristics: Hyperbolic
Height: 6 ft 1
Weight: 14 stone
Race: White American
Skin colour: WhiteShape of Face: Oval
Distinguishing features: Long Beard Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Smokes Cigars
Health: In poor condition
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Arrogant, Powerful
Greatest flaw: Female Heroes
Best quality: Weaponry and using explosives

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Private School in Nevada
Intelligence Level: 10/10
Any Mental Illnesses? No
Character's short-term goals in life: No Goal
Character's long-term goals in life: No Goal
How self-confident is the character? Very
What would most embarrass this character? Being beaten by a woman.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fargo Script Analysis

I have observed Fargo and read the script with it, and have noticed various different aspects about it.

1. Are they the same as the script?

Yes, all the words and actions are pretty much exactly the same on the script as the film, therefore there is nothing that happens which the script does not show.

2. Any Changes?

Yes, the film has cut out a large part where a man is supposed to go into a hotel reception desk and talk to a woman. Instead we cut straight into the sequence where Jerry goes into a bar and talks to Grimsrud and Carl.

3. Does the film portray what you expect to see in the film?

In relation to question 2, it does portray what I expected to see in the film, because of the part where the man was supposed to go into a hotel and talk to the receptionist, I expected to see this first, however It opened with the bar scene.

Jerry – I seen to be nervous, and slightly scared about asking them to kill his wife, he is weak, naïve and worries about being late when he meets the two other characters. His role is a main character yet he is neither a protagonist nor antagonist, his main place in the film is the fact that he wants to kill his wife and is paying two people to do it for him. I know this because of his gimmick; his weakness shows that he would not fit into a protagonist or antagonist role.

Carl – Is and arrogant and more intelligent character of the three and also the strongest, he overpowers jerry, and intimidates him when he tells him that he is late for the meeting. Carl is also suspicious about Jerry and why he wants to kill his wife, and therefore asks lots of questions to try and get an insight about what he is doing. His role is the antagonist simply because of the fact that his aim is to kill Jerry’s wife. I know this because of his personality and the way he overpowers Jerry and makes him nervous.

Grimsrud – Is a silent character that does not have much significance apart from that he is also intimidating in front of Jerry, he stares at him and makes Jerry nervous which is his role; I know this because the fact that he does not talk much does not make the audience see him as a key character.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Character Profiles

Name: Detective David Mills

Film: Seven

Played By: Brad Pitt

Occupation: Beginner Detective

What happens to the character? David Mills plays an important role in the film, as he and another character played by Morgan Freeman’s characters collide, within the film we see the two characters argue and make disagreements with each other, they both work in different ways, however eventually they solve the crime together. The negative part of the film is where David Mills’ wife dies by the antagonist.

Name: Clarice Starling

Film: Silence of the lambs

Played By: Jodie Foster

Occupation: FBI Agent

What Happens to the character? Agent Starling (Clarice) is determined to solve a crime on her own when called by her boss; she is seen to be slightly hyperbolic and acts more of a male figure. When see meets Dr. Hannibal lecture he tries to negotiate with her in order to help her solve the crime. At the end agent starling finds the antagonists house, rescues a suspect and then defeats him.

Name: Howard Payne

Film: Speed

Played By: Dennis Hopper

Occupation: Former Police Officer/ Bomb Specialist

What happens to the character? Howard Payne is a specialist in bombs who plants an explosive underneath a bus in order to threat the passengers and try to earn money by negotiating with the FBI, he makes Officer Jack Traven (the protagonist who apparently already killed him) Try to save the passengers on the bus by keeping the speed below 50mph avoiding the bomb to explode.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thriller film: Definition

A thriller film is characterised by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must "thwart" the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains. Part of the allure of thrillers comes from not only what their stories are about, but also how they are told. High stakes, non-stop action, plot twists that both surprise and excite, settings that are both vibrant and exotic, and an intense pace that never lets up until the adrenalin packed climax.

Today, thriller novels provide a rich literary feast embracing a wide variety of worlds - the law, espionage, action-adventure, medicine, police and crime, romance, history, politics, high-tech, and religion.

The Thriller fiction genre, sometimes called suspense fiction, is a genre of literature that typically entails fast-paced plots, numerous action scenes, and limited character development. One example is that: the hero, who may even be an ordinary citizen drawn into danger and intrigue by circumstances beyond their control faces danger alone or in the company of a small band of companions.

The structure of a thriller can vary, although it is usually the same. We usually start with a pre-existing equilibrium where the protagonist is not living in fear or any danger, however as the investigation goes further there is usually problems which encounter which are resolved at the end of the film.

Furthermore, a thriller film is regularly an investigation which is carried out by the police or another type of authority. The investigation progresses as the film continues, there are more clues which are carried out, and the paradox becomes clearer to the audience.